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Int 2D  - Burnout Plus V3.00 - Get State/control Information               [V]

   AL = 10h
   AH = AMIS multiplex number for Burnout Plus

Return: AL = 01h
   BX = Burnout Plus status (see below)
   CX = Record of features loaded (see below)
   ES:DI -> Burnout Plus control structure (see below)
Program: Burnout Plus is a DOS screen saver from Cove Software

See Also: INT 2D"AMIS"
Index: screen saver;Burnout Plus

Bitfields for status:
 bit 0 screen is blanked
 bit 1 MS Windows is active (Burnout Plus deactivated)
 bits 2-15 reserved

Bitfields for features loaded/features enabled:
 bit 0 mouse activity monitor
 bit 1 passkey support
 bit 2 password support
 bit 3 continuous clear
 bit 4 software blanking
 bit 5 video activity monitor
 bit 6 disk activity monitor
 bit 7 activating keystroke suppression

Format of Burnout Plus control structure:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    size of structure in bytes
 01h   WORD    Burnout Plus version
 03h   WORD    screen blanking reset count in clock ticks
 05h   WORD    current countdown value in clock ticks
 07h   BYTE    type of timeout specification
 08h   BYTE    instant-blank hotkey
 09h   WORD    extended status information (see below)
       the bits for password, passkey, and software blanking are
         ignored and cannot be enabled or disabled externally
 0Bh   WORD    features enabled (see above)

Note:  all fields except the first two may be modified by external programs
     to affect the operation of Burnout Plus
Index: hotkeys;Burnout Plus

Bitfields for extended status information:
 bit 0 Burnout Plus disabled
 bit 1 force screen to blank on next clock tick
 bit 2 restore screen if currently blanked
 bits 3-15 reserved

Note:  bits 1 and 2 are automatically cleared by Burnout Plus after blanking
     or restoring the screen

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